The Morning Prayer


Lord God, I praise and thank you as I begin this new day. I beg your forgiveness for my sins. I place my past in your merciful hands and I offer this coming day to you.

Help me to recognise that you are present to me, even in the ordinary events of this day. Give me a deep appreciation of every passing moment. Help me to glorify you by doing my duties and activities to the best of my ability.

Give me the wisdom to know what you want me to do this day and the energy and desire to do it. Increase the joy in my heart and strengthen me at the difficult or trying moments that might come to me today.

Transform my heart so that I will always know my own true dignity as a unique and beloved child of God. Help me to see you today in each person I encounter. Give me the gifts of patience and humility, so that I may treat each person I meet this day with dignity and respect, and especially those I find it hard to get along with.

If I fall into discouragement, give me the grace to get up and to fight the good fight again. Pour your abundant blessings upon me and my family and all those who are taking part in this Spiritual Transformation Programme.

Lord, I also entrust this coming day to your mother Mary and I trust that she will keep me close to you today and always.



The Lord's Prayer